Encaustic & Mixed Media Art • San Miguel de Allende, Mexico


I'm Back in San Miguel after 7 weeks in the United States!

WHEW! Am I glad to be back in San Miguel de Allende, the place I now call “home”. During my seven weeks in the United States this summer, I gained granddaughter #2 while spending time with my daughter’s family & granddaughter #1 in Las Vegas. Then, onward to stay with my son in Boulder, Colorado, and visit with some very dear old friends. I was able to put in quite a few miles of hiking–to help maintain my sanity–in both the Greater Las Vegas area and along the Front Range of Colorado. I witnessed many, red rocks, canyons, mountains, valleys, sunsets, thunderstorms, cliffs, and ancient petroglyphs! My heart is full!

According to my trip calculations I occupied: six residences, slept on seven beds (including an air mattresses), possessed several car and house keys, and memorized 4 gate & door codes! No wonder I’m exhausted! And to boot, there was an unplanned scorpion infestation in my first rental condo in Las Vegas, which threw off my entire trip schedule and definitely bit into my trip budget. Unfortunately, one of the little critters stung me, and I had to vacate the premises in the middle of the night. But I digress…

Last springI was privileged to be able to spend time working in the printmaking studios and bed & breakfast establishments (Alma de Soul, Hotel del Color) of Hugo Anaya, located in the gorgeous Spanish Colonial City of Guanajuato. I attended a printmaking workshop there with Jeffrey Hirst, in April, and enjoyed it all so much that I returned to the studio in May to create more prints on my own–working alongside master printmaker extraordinaire Hugo, and his student intern from Portland State University. What a joy! Each afternoon we were treated to a lovely cold beer, to satisfy our thirst in the very hot weather that happens every May in Central Mexico. (see photo above!)

BACK IN THE STUDIO now, I’m pursuing some exciting mixed media techniques with both traditional and encaustic monoprints. I’m developing samples and techniques that I may be teaching at Hugo’s fantastic printmaking studio in February 2023. If you are interested in attending a workshop with me at Hugo’s place in Guanajuato, sometime during February 16-21, please send me an email for more information, and to help me gauge interest: lisa@jonesmoorestudioart.com

Links to Hugo Anaya’s bed and breakfast establishments in the City of Guanajuato are on Facebook here:

Alma Del Sol

Hotel Del Color

Lisa JonesMooreComment